Promises and pomegranates series


promises and pomegranates series

Miller is a story set in King’s Trace, a town under the grip of ruthless criminals. When she is not writing her novels she can be found sitting in silence watching sardonic humor programs, sitcoms, diet coke, filthy romance novels and listening to Lo-Fi Beats on Spotify. She now makes her home in Kentucky where she lives with Poe and Lord Byron, her two puppies. When she went to college she majored in English, minored in cultural anthropology and got a technical writing certification. Miller started writing from a very young age and decided her majors based on her interest.

promises and pomegranates series

The author is a native of Baltimore but she moved to Kentucky as a seven year old and spent much of her childhood in the state.

#Promises and pomegranates series series#

MIller is a bestselling contemporary and dark romance author from Kentucky that is best known for the “King’s Trace Antiheroes” series of novels.
