Helmet william shakespeare
Then throw in the idea that he is a young man in love but he realises very quickly that that love affair is going to be a distraction and it has got to come to an end. Combine it then with Hamlet having this task of revenge, and not being naturally suited to it. The primal idea of your father being killed by your uncle, and then your mother being compromised by that, she marries the man who killed your father – that’s a very powerful plot line. Then if you combine that with simply the power of the revenge story. So there is that psychological complexity. Shakespeare does that through the soliloquy – the character alone on stage talking to himself, opening up his mind – and Hamlet just does that more than any other character.
One of the things that Shakespeare seems to do more completely than any writer who went before him is reveal the variety of the human mind the way that people are very complicated. Many people say Hamlet is the greatest play of all time. ONE OF THE WORLD’S LEADING EXPERTS ON SHAKESPEARE, SIR JONATHAN BATE, TELLS US WHY HAMLET STANDS OUT FROM THE CROWD.