Dhalgren goodreads
Most times you see this cover its 04593 or 04594.later printings of this edition *SOLD* $9.95 + 4.00 media mail postal out-of-USA postal at cost *SOLD* Delany PB 1st Thus ACE 04592 Fine- Unread (April 1973) *SOLD* #samuelrdelany #samueldelany #sciencefiction #scifi #sciencefictionbooks #scifibooks #scifigeek #booknerd #bookstagrammer #bookaddict #bookcollector #scifihorror #bookreviews #whattoread #vintagebooks #bookcollector #scifibook #scifinovel #spaceopera #booknerdlife #classicscifi #rarebooks #collectingbooks #vintagesciencefiction #scificollection #scifibookstagram #bestscifi #spaceoperabooks Everyone is fitted with spinal sockets allowing them to ‘stud’ in to machines. It anticipates 1980s postmodern space opera and Cyberpunk.
Nova centres on a galactic rivalry between two corporate families fighting over the control of the exotic energy source, Illyrion. Should other Samuel Delany works be added to the shortlist shown below? Curated by towering figure in New Wave SF, Samuel Delany, unlike many of his peers, continued to engage with the pulp traditions of space battles, galactic intrigues and post-apocalyptic settings.