Course hero dr faustus
London’s Stationer’s Register entered the play into the official records in 1601, but in 1602, at least two other writers were paid for additions to the text. Scholars believe Marlowe heard or read the story of Johann Faust and composed Doctor Faustus sometime between 15. In 1587, the first story about his life appeared in Germany, translated into English in 1592 as The History of the Damnable Life and Deserved Death of Doctor John Faustus.Įxactly dating Renaissance texts can be difficult, but Doctor Faustus poses particular challenges.
Born in 1488, the original Faust wandered through his German homeland until his death in 1541.
Christopher Marlowe based his play Doctor Faustus on stories about a scholar and magician, Johann Faust, who allegedly sold his soul to the devil to gain magical powers.