Agent 6 by tom rob smith


agent 6 by tom rob smith agent 6 by tom rob smith

A conflict develops helping to illustrate to the reader the issues introduced during the release of political prisoners after Stalin's death. In this second offering, the daughters of slain farmers from the first book return. Over the course of the two books, Smith develops his protagonist's understanding of family. The book serves as a good illustration of the internal conflict the citizens felt under Stalin's reign. Leo's nationalism evolves as a microcosm of the country's social revolution. The book continues to develop the theme begun in Smith's first work. The title refers to Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev's 1956 address admitting Stalin's crimes. The third novel in the trilogy, Agent 6, was published in 2011. The Secret Speech is a further exploration of the Soviet Union Joseph Stalin created. The book features a repeat appearance of Leo Stepanovich Demidov, the protagonist of Smith's first book, Child 44 (2008). The Secret Speech is the second novel in a trilogy by British author Tom Rob Smith it was released in April 2009.
